Wednesday, April 27, 2005


for those of you who are not aware, my blog title is from the movie "Bandits" and is said by the ever irrepressible Billy Bob Thornton. and, for those of you who remember when i kept rewinding "Gunga din....hey gunga" over and over and laughing hysterically every time, this line is also worthy of such distinction.

so i'm skipping class right now, because the physical therapist told me to stay off of my leg. However, since I don't have a choice about working tomorrow or Friday all day, I have to be on it. Which bites, b/c this will go away faster if I could just rest it. Regoarrarr. The guy told me I tend to pronate, which means that my feet go in when I walk, so the muscles have to work harder to pull them back out to compensate, and so when I run, they're overworked. Same thing if I walk for long periods of time. I also may have vascular problems, since he said my legs and feet are different colors. That would tend to explain why my hands and especially feet are always so cold. If it's a vascular problem (blood circulation), he may send me back to the *real* doctor to see what he can do about it. For now, he said to get some New Balance running shoes and he'd put temporary insole type things in them to see if that helps. If I feel like it does, they can do permanent ones, which freaking cost $220!!!!!!! hmmm. but, if that does help, i may not have much of a choice.

all righty, off to homework schtuff.


At 5:33 PM, Blogger dan said...

Your title is also [g]

At 6:27 PM, Blogger Braden said...

what would Billy Bob think if he knew he were being called irrepressible?

At 7:12 PM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

he would think, "mmmm, BEAVERS AND DUCKS!!"

At 10:52 PM, Blogger Braden said...

I always considered it to be more like "mmmmmmmmmbeaversnDUCKS!"

At 7:57 AM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

yeah, you're probably right. i will concede you that, since you were wrong about the IbuprofEN. :P

At 9:42 AM, Blogger annahannah said...

your blog wins as the most replied to


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