Tuesday, September 13, 2005


so a couple of days ago, braden was on the phone with his dad, and so i gave in and fell asleep waiting for him. so when he came to bed, i was totally out of it, but still wanted to pray and read scriptures. so he read, and i don't remember anything. and then apparently it was my turn to pray, and so i tried, but i was so tired that i wasn't really speaking up or making sense. so then i all of a sudden woke up, and it seemed like hours since i had been praying, but then in my haze i couldn't remember ending the prayer, so i asked braden, "did i say amen?", and he said that i was in the middle of saying something and then i just stopped. i guess it had only been like 30 seconds b/t stopping and waking up again. he said he was like, "...?" waiting for me to go on. so then we both started totally laughing. that was pretty funny. i've fallen asleep praying before, but never out loud with someone else there. lol.

we were invited to dinner at a couple in the ward's house on Sunday night. it was really good food, but there was soooo much of it that i was glad that i was good and hungry. it still was a lot even if you'd been fasting all day. so we were pretty stuffed when we left. the bishop and his wife were there as well. the ward we're in right now is really friendly, and i like it a lot so far.

in related news, braden and i have callings!! i've been called to the nursery, which i asked for, and braden was called to the primary to teach the 7 yr olds, which he did not ask for. :)
the lady in the nursery right now is older, and sounded disappointed when she was told that i wouldn't be replacing her. but i need to learn from her, so maybe in january they'll release here and just have me in there, since there will be only 1 or 2 kids in there at the end of January. The primary requested Braden for the CTRs, b/c i guess there's 4 boys in there that can get pretty rowdy. i'm sure braden can handle it.

well, my classes are keeping me plenty busy...lots of homework and the like. my commercial/legal translation class is coming with quite a bit of homework....the prof gave us more homework due in a week than he gave us when we had a 2 wk break b/c of labor day! but it is good practice, and we will learn a lot. :)

that's all for now, follllllllks!


At 8:10 AM, Blogger Carolyn said...

that prayer story was so funny!
when dan and i were newly weds we could never remember whose turn it was to say the prayer and we'd "argue" about it every night. until finally we came up wiht a plan! i pray on all even days and dan prays on all odd days. and any month that has a 31st day, if it's and even month, then i pray and if it's and odd month dan prays. it all evens out one way or another. that way we always know who is supposed to pray. oh, also, who ever's turn it is to pray does morning and evening prayers for the family. and the other person does dinner prayers. though with kids sometimes we let them pray too. wow, this was a long comment. :-)


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