Monday, August 08, 2005

it's the hard knock life for us, it's the....

sorry...i have annie songs in my head, b/c i was just talking about it on university bus.
i'm at work right now, but i wanted to post something new for the masses. things are going well. it's hard to believe that i'm getting married next week. still haven't heard anything about the marriage license, so i'm wondering if i should call. i would need to find the phone number first, though. but the temple said that they would call us when they got it... i think i'll wait a couple more days and see. hopefully, it will go through on time and everything, considering that we can't have the ceremony until the temple gets the piece of paper. :) i guess i don't know how long the process takes.
with carolyn getting new glasses, i've been thinking about how i need new ones, as well. my eyes get worse every year, so it's rather depressing to go to the eye doctor and get a new prescription. i think it's been at least a couple of years since i've been, so i really do need to go. believe it or not, i still have contacts (unopened) from when i was getting ready to go on my mission. i've been interspersing those with some from a couple of years ago, but, really, i do need new contacts. to heck with this 2 week crap; i wear them until they hurt, which can be 6 months. i'm careful about it, though, and i'm more anal about cleanliness when putting them in then anyone i know. :)
i'm pretty tired today, due to lack of sleep. funny how that works. i would really like to take a nap, but i have to work all day. i'm taking off wednesday of next week, which means i have to make those hours up later on. don't know when i'll do that...once school starts, things will be nuts.

all righty, that's all i can think of for now.


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Carolyn said...

i'm all for eye surgery! contacts are expensive. i'm not so fond of the change them every 2 weeks policy either. but then my doctor said that because i wasn't changing them often enough that i was getting blood vessles (sp?) growing in my eyes (or something like that) and if too many grow it could cause blindness. i guess it's causes from my eyes not getting enough oxygen. soooo, because i don't want to go blind, i'm changing my contacts every 2 weeks now. :-)

At 1:20 PM, Blogger dan said...

I'll bring up one of those 50% off certificates if I remember.

At 1:31 PM, Blogger annahannah said...

maybe you should use some wedding money to get sight

At 9:14 AM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

yeah, but they say your eyes need to stay the same prescription for 2 yrs or something, ie stop getting worse, and mine have yet to do that. otherwise i'd be tempted.

well, i'm off 'ome. later!


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