Thursday, September 22, 2005

tee hee, tee hee, said kerry without thinking

so our teakettle is the rockingest cool thing ever! it gets the water so hot that i have to wait an hour and a half to drink my cocoa. wow.

this is only going to be a quick post b/c i have a lot of homework that i want to try and tackle today. did i mention that i don't like thursdays very much? they're soooooooo loooooooooong!!

so i have a mini-presentation today in healthcare interpreting class. we're in groups of 3, and we each took a system of the body and each have about 2 minutes to explain it to the class. we got the skin & sense organs, and the muscular system whatever. we were just glad we didn't get the reproductive system. the person that got the male reproductive system is someone that....shall we say...likes that subject, so that should be pretty entertaining.

in other news, braden is not feeling well again...some sort of stomach bug, headache thing. lately it seems like if we're not both sick, one of us is. i'm still recovering from my bad cold that i've had since we got married, but it's mostly gone now.

no news on the job front. braden's going to start looking for some temp soon as he is feeling better. i hope that works out soon.

two of my friends/classmates want to make a regular thing of getting together and cooking new meals. they wanted to know if braden and i want to do it with them, to which i replied, heck yes! so we're going to try it out on saturdays. not every saturday, i don't think, but we'll see how our schedule is. the two days that are worst for them are the best for my schedule, so saturdays are the only other day. sounds like fun!

we watched ER, season 1, episode 7 last night. good stuff. we're still into stuff that i remember watching, probably with mom. this was back in the day, like '94, i think. i'm excited to see episodes that i haven't seen at all.


At 9:04 AM, Blogger annahannah said...

maybe you are allergic to each other

At 5:30 AM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

gee, thanks. :)

funny, though, we were never sick before we got married! we're allergic to marriage!

At 6:43 AM, Blogger dan said...

this was not a quick post

At 7:39 AM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

i know, but you know how it get into it and then you think of other things to say.


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