Friday, September 23, 2005


You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

so i got the same as ryan. i'm surprised by the results, considering you are only given two choices and at least a couple of times i didn't agree with either choice. for example, "when you pick a new car, you pick something a)powerful or b)cute. i was like, neither...i usually go by somewhat of a coolness factor combined with economical concerns, ie will it get me where i want to go and last a freaking long time, etc. i'll take a honda anyday.

i wanted to watch an ER, but we had no time. ah well, probably tonight. i'd like to go see a movie or something....or just get out of the house. seems like i'm inside all the time. i'm talking about a drive-in movie, not inside, in case you were like, wait, but a movie is still inside.

so i guess medline is showing a live c-section on the internet today at noon: go to the middle of the page here. part of me wants to see it just to see if i can handle watching actual surgery, but i think i'd rather not see what i could possibly have done in the future (you never know). i'll probably forget anyway, and that's during my lunch hour. but i am curious about surgery in general.


At 9:00 AM, Blogger Gina said...

I just can't imagine sitting in front of the computer screen, sandwich in hand, watching a C-section. (Of course, I get lightheaded and have to lie down with my head lower than my feet when I see my own blood, so no surgery videos for nursing career either.)
My mom, on the other hand, watched her own carpal tunnel surgery. She held a mirror in her left hand while the doctor cut open the right one and snipped the little tendons. Gross.

At 9:01 AM, Blogger Gina said...

Oh, one other thing...even if you do watch the C-section video, you don't get to see it when it's YOUR C-section. They put a big sheet up in front of you, and when the baby comes out, they toss him over the sheet like a little circus act. :)

At 7:37 AM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

lol....well, i think i'd rather be knocked out if it were my own c-section! :) i didn't end up watching it anyway; i did forget, and we barely had time to eat as it was. ah well. but there are other surgical videos of various procedures on that same site. maybe i'll be brave enough at a later date.


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