Friday, August 04, 2006


so life is pretty much same old, same old right now. not much to blog about. braden is off at work now, and i'm waiting for a phone call from a potential client. it's always so much better to have them available when you call, b/c then you're prepared to say exactly what you've practiced. but when they are calling you back, you have to wait for the call and aren't as prepared. grr.

was supposed to go blackberry picking with marissa this morning, but she's not feeling well. she and her husband came over last night for fhe, except that it was mostly chatting and eating peach pie. we couldn't do it on monday, b/c braden worked the night shift that night. there's this section of blackberry bushes behind a dept. store not too far from our apt. and hey, free blackberries. but they've turned out to be quite bitter so far, so we've resolved to either make jam (with lots of sugar) or pies out of them.

i went to the huntamer (braden's mom's side) family reunion without braden last saturday b/c he had to work. braden's grandad was one of 12 siblings, but there weren't as many people there as i would've thought. i did have fun, though, since i played badminton for a while. i'd forgotten how fun that is. david and gina (braden's brother and his wife) were in town from friday until yesterday, and i went over to braden's parents on wednesday night and hung out with them.

we had an ellis family get-together on tuesday night and celebrated david, benny and sarah's birthdays. sarah is steve (braden's bro) and april's daughter and benny is devon (braden's bro) and teresa's son. braden gave david an interesting present, but i'll leave that story for braden.

in other news, we went to costco yesterday and were approached three times by random people while eating lunch. i felt like a celebrity. this lady in her 40's came up to us and asked braden to tell an older gentleman that his fly was down. she was like, "i just think it would be better coming from a man, and i don't want to embarrass him. it's not like i was looking or anything." she and her friend were directly across from us, and the old guy was diagonal and to our left. they then all proceeded to stay there way after they were done eating, which led us both to believe that something was a little off about it. braden thought it might have been a survey-type thing to see what different people do in that situation. anyway, then a few minutes after she asked, some other guy comes up to the old guy and starts chatting away, so braden's like, well, i'm not going to go over there and interrupt their conversation to be like, um, i noticed from behind you that xyzpdq. so then a guy that used to be in our current ward came up and started talking to us for a while, so we used that excuse to pretend that we'd forgotten about the zipper thing and walked away to do our shopping. oh, and the first time we were approached, a different guy came up to braden and said, you work at walmart, don't you? and when braden said no, he was like, oh, sorry, you look familiar, and then walked away. i was expecting an autograph request by the end of our meal, geez!! i'd like to hear what everyone would do in the zipper request situation...i told braden that i'd feel obligated to do it, but i certainly wouldn't want to and would try to get out of it. braden never actually agreed to do anything, though.


At 4:19 AM, Blogger Carolyn said...

yeah, i wouldn't want to tell someone that i didn't know that their zipper was down. but if the other person who told me to tell them that their zipper was down, was watching me, then i'd feel so much pressure to say something! unless i know someone personally i just wouldn't mention it. if they're going to flash the world, that's their own problem. :-)

At 7:08 AM, Blogger annahannah said...

good to hear from you! i'd say, tell 'em yourself or find another patsy. if i knew the fly openee, i'd be more likely..if i was a guy. or the fly openee's wife


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