Wednesday, January 17, 2007

please, suh, can i have some more orange pop?

the 1 hour glucose test is done! the drink really wasn't that bad; tasted just like orange pop, only much more sugary. my results come in tomorrow, so i'll call over there and see what the deal is. i hope i don't fail and have to take the 3 hour test, but if i do, oh well. i did feel a little lightheaded immediately after having my blood drawn, but i had something to drink and some jello, and then i was ok. i was over in lacey for the rest of the morning running errands and such. at the library, i was in full teenage nostalgia mode, so i got 11 young adult books out, plus a regular one on the history of blogging, just b/c it looked interesting.

i asked my doctor a ton of questions about this and that, including signs of preterm labor, etc. apparently, if i do go into preterm labor, i would be transferred up to tacoma (if it's before 36 weeks along), since i guess the hospital here doesn't deliver preemies. not that i think i definitely will have jenna early, but it's just good (and reassuring to me) to have all my bases covered and be as prepared as i can for that kind of thing. not that you're ever fully prepared for it.

i have another tutoring session tomorrow. talk about a sweet deal. i know i don't need to bring in money (we're doing well enough that i don't have to work, and jenna's coming soon), but it is nice to bring in a little bit. i guess that's one of the hard parts of being stay-at-home for me...i do miss the independence of fully supporting myself, having a job, etc. which is not to say that b/c braden brings home the money it's not OURS, b/c it is, and i know that, but it is hard to get used to it. i was planning on setting up my freelance business and getting a PT job or something when we first moved out here, but i got pregnant with jenna way sooner than we thought, and our plans just totally changed. this pregnancy has been rough in some ways (but overall not too bad), and one of them is just not being able to work out of the home...the energy levels are not consistently there. i did that stint up north for 5 weeks and came home and crashed; i wouldn't have been able to do it for much longer, and i think i was blessed with enough energy to be able to do it, since we needed the extra money at the time. i think i've been blessed for things to come in at the right time, and when i've been available and able to do them (unlike my earlier semi-gripe about uk english jobs)...and this freelance typesetting gig should work out (hopefully stuff will start coming in soon), and the tutoring sessions should go at least until summer, i think. but it has been hard to sit at home waiting for the freelance stuff; i've developed this habit of trolling craigslist for jobs, and yesterday braden was like, Kerry, stop looking for's okay if you're not working; you can prepare to be a mom and do other things that will be good for you... (he didn't yell, no worries) :) and he's absolutely right. i can review spanish, set up the apt. more, brush up on my desktop publishing/graphic design skills, read mommy books, be healthy, exercise and just relax if i need to, which i haven't been doing. so i am going to try to do those things and chill out on the job front. things will come when the timing is right. everything will be okay.

i love my hubbin!!! (that would be braden)


At 2:10 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

i've tried to comment twice and problems . grrrrr.


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