Friday, September 30, 2005


what, my husband posted today and i didn't? i can't have that. :)

we are having a few friends over tonight for some games and possibly a movie. we have plenty of movies to watch, so that should be fun. maybe it can be a LOTR extended edition party!! jk, b/c like we have time for that. besides, we're not starting until 7:30, since i work all day.

yesterday interpreting class seemed to's just that by that point, i am so ready to go to bed. and yet i still don't seem to get to bed before 11:30 or later.

so the freelance thing didn't turn out. i guess the company found someone who willing to do not only the translation, but also the training session (on the drug-free company policy) itself for the spanish employees, and all for so cheap it's freaking ridiculous. apparently this person is a certified translator and screws over everyone else in the profession by taking jobs for 1/10 of the normal price. nice. at the same time, i was a little relieved that it didn't go through b/c i have so much to do anyway, and that would have made for a really stressful weekend. but i do want experience to put on my's just, where is the time??

i sent off the check to the woman who contacted me about selling her dictionaries/books. she said she'll mail it over the weekend. i'm pretty excited about it, b/c it's a law/business dictionary that is very highly recommended by a lot of people and just happens to be out of print. so i am snatching up that baby jonas. i called the lady, who has a rampant pittsburgh accent, which i thought was pretty cool. i just wanted to say rampant. thank you.

so it's gotten freaking COLD over the last couple of days!! i think i'm actually going to put on a sweater when i go home for lunch. fall is upon us!! can't we have a little more of an indian summer, please??

the interpreter comes out on dvd on the 4th...i've pretty much been waiting for 6 months to see it. it probably won't live up to my expectations, but that's ok. i want to see it anyway.


At 10:29 AM, Blogger annahannah said...

just the social butterfly

At 3:15 PM, Blogger dan said...

We're going to be watching the entire season 1 of Lost at work on Wed. afternoon and Thursday in the recycle center.

You may now begin to post about how "tough" my job is.

At 9:07 PM, Blogger BenesHacha said...

well...1/10 of normal does she survive then? Or is the translating business routinely charging 10 times a survivable salary :-)? Does she have work that she moonlights as besides translating that makes her a lot more money?

At 7:09 AM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

well, i'm assuming he or she has another job....or is stealing so many others that s/he can live off of it. i'm just repeating what the other translator said; she was probably exaggerating somewhat, although i don't know.

some translators charge hefty prices b/c they are really experienced and great at what they do, or full of themselves, or whatever. then you have the people that are just starting out that don't charge as much, and of course you have the people in the middle. it's pretty much how much experience you have, what quality work you do, how many steady clients you have, how fast you are, etc. it really just depends on the translator.

but yeah, some people really make it hard for other translators to make a decent living when they accept jobs for way less than others just to get some work. it makes it so others have to bring their prices down....we're just trying to make a living!!! :)


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