Friday, April 29, 2005


so did you know that Kent State is home to the "Golden Flashers"? it's a little-known fact. the football fans run around in trenchcoats....WOOOOOOOO!! scare the little old ladies walking down Main St. Good times, good times. great oldies, 105.7.

so i have itunes, which has new music every Tuesday, AND usually a couple of free singles. i'm saying this b/c i'm about to download this week's free songs. it's a pretty cool feature, despite the fact that you get some sucky songs sometimes. but sometimes you get some cool ones from bands or singers you've never heard of before. it's like shopping the $1 CD bin at Record Exchange. "you never know what you're gonna GET."


At 12:11 AM, Blogger Braden said...

you never know what you are going to get but you can be sure that there will be a friendly sales representative wearing grungy black clothes and eyeing you suspiciously who is perfectly willing to take your CDs up to the front "so that you don't have to carry them around."

At 8:20 AM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

but what they really mean is, "so that you don't freaking steal them, even though stereotypically I myself am much more the type to steal, as you can see from my numerous tattoos and body piercings." i almost wish they would just spring for one of those metal detector thingies so that when someone walk out with their merchandise, it goes off. that way you wouldn't have to deal with locked cabinets and employees taking your stuff from you. lo, this has been one of my annoyances with RE for a LONG time.


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