Thursday, March 16, 2006


hey everyone,
sorry i've been rather lax about posting lately. i imagine that things are just going to get busier until i graduate, though. deadlines for the case study are coming and going, and i feel like, yes, i'm making some progress, but i'm still behind where i should be. thus, i am trying to catch up.

congrats, dan and carolyn! i just heard the good news last night.

i had a great surprise birthday party on the 8th, thrown by braden and also planned by my friends andie and anna. it was way cool, and i was totally surprised. a bunch of my classmates, co-workers and friends came, plus mom, dad g. and kevin were there.

i was going to try and work over spring break, but apparently none of the grad assistants work that in a way, that's a good thing, b/c i will work almost exclusively on my case study, and i do need that time to do it.

graduation is really close--May 13th, I believe (a Saturday). i need to get on the ball about applying for jobs and such.

braden and i borrowed an old-school nintendo from a friend a few weeks ago and have been playing dr. mario on and off. that game is so much fun, and so addictive. one night we played it for 3 1/2 hrs straight! but i haven't been playing that much lately, b/c of homework. (yes, yes, i know...i shouldn't play it, but it's nice to take a break once in a while)

we went up to N. Olmsted to celebrate kev's 18th b-day. with cheesecake of course, so dan, i know you are sad you missed it. :)

that's all she wrote for now.


At 3:56 AM, Blogger Carolyn said...

nice to hear from you again! every time you talk about school i'm so glad i'm not in school. ugh! but it will be nice that you'll have something to show for all of your hard work soon...graduation! good luck.


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