Thursday, February 02, 2006

happy groundhog day

i forgot that it's groundhog day. miss savel would be horrified.

i've been sick since saturday, and i noticed it on friday. this is not a particularly good week for that, but what week ever is? our translation for due on tuesday is a difficult one (our prof rated it 8 or 9 out of 10 on a difficulty scale); it's a patent from Spain. we have to work in groups, which i am never keen on. i have always preferred working by myself. but at least we each get to turn in our own draft.

i'm so out of it right now. home to bed. i really wish i could sleep well at night, but the last few nights, i've done nothing but toss and turn even though i'm exhausted, and that's unusual for me. i usually have no problems getting to sleep. i hope tonight is better.

i LOVE this weather!! YAY!! not like i can go out and do anything in it until i get better, but i sure do prefer it to regular jan/feb temperatures.

the rough draft for the case studies is supposedly feb. 17th. i better get crackin'. the problem is that we have so much homework for my one class that it leaves very little time to work on the case study, which is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!!! but i've already shared my feelings on that subject.

k, i'm off to catch the bus.


At 5:25 AM, Blogger BenesHacha said...

I emailed ms. savel :-)

and I've been doing the same thing! last night and wednesday night, I've slept HORRIBLY. tossing and turning, wake up at 5:30 for no good reason, etc...


At 8:29 PM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

yeah, and last night (sat.) was the same thing. it's driving me crazy!! hopefully tonight i'll get some good sleep, but i've got to get up at a reasonable hour to get ready for a group meeting. yuck.


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