Wednesday, April 26, 2006


i'm sad every time i think about ry staying in didn't even occur to me that he wouldn't be back in n.o. this summer in time for us to say goodbye before we move. :( well, i know his plans are not definite yet, but still...i hope we get to see each other before the big move.

24 hours from now, i'll be in the middle of my defense. maybe i should show up with a sword and shield and fend off my committee members. OH OH OHHHH, i thought that's what you were supposed to do during a defense. my bad. where's a good list of funny things to do during your defense when you need one? maybe i could tap one of my committee members on the shoulder and say, nodding to my advisor, "he doesn't like you." [...] "i don't like you, either." [...] "you'll be ALIVE!!" how would that go over?
they say you're supposed to dress in your best clothes, so i'm busting out one of my suits. the jacket and pants are a slightly different color, but not enough for anyone to be like, what are you doing, you freak. i rather like the outfit. i'll be stylin'.
actually, i'm trying not to think about my defense much. it freaks me out. but, once i do it, i'll never have to do another one again. that's very motivating.

"if i'd been the size of a rabbit, it would have killed me."
great line from my case study. i had to change it to make it make more sense, but the above is a literal translation that makes me laugh. yeah, you know, if i'd been the size of a horse, i'd have weighed more. good observation.

right now i have to finish up my last workshop translation, do one last weekly critique of readings and finish my final project. the defense is over tomorrow and then i just do corrections and hand in a final copy. i'm trying to have everything done by tuesday, may 9th.

i'm still banished to the office. :)


At 6:33 AM, Blogger BenesHacha said...

they're pretty definite :-/

At 9:12 AM, Blogger dan said...

I vote for, instead of wearing your suit, you wear rags, with a cane. And you could hunch over like you had a hump-back, and croak out "Aaallllms...Alllms for the po'"

And then if someone gave you any money, you could lunge up and stab them in the heart!


At 7:14 PM, Blogger BenesHacha said...

ooh yeah I second that plan!

Too late of course :-p

I expect a blog about how it went!

At 2:21 AM, Blogger Gina said...

When David defended his thesis, I went with him to listen. It was so funny how all the professors would ask these really simple questions, but they used big words and long sentences. I realized that they didn't care about the was more about loving the sound of their own voices, and who could talk the longest. I guess that's what it means to be an "academic". I think that also means that compared to them, I'm trailer trash. :)

At 5:46 PM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

man, i should've done the alms bit...why didn't i think of that?


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