Wednesday, March 07, 2007

jenna jenna bo benna

so, as a lot of you already know, everything seems to be fine. Jenna is approximately 5lb., 6oz. Braden guessed 3,12, and I guessed 4,2, so we were quite surprised (pleasantly, of course) that we were so far off. But that's great! The ultrasound tech said (although the radiologist needs to confirm) that from what she could see, the placenta looks fine, the amount of amniotic fluid is good, and Jenna looks good. The umbilical cord blood flow seemed to be a little bit erratic, but the tech explained that that was because Jenna was moving around. From what we could see on the measurements, Jenna seems to be pretty consistently about 1 week (and maybe a couple of days) behind her gestational age, but the tech said that babies can measure up to 3 weeks behind, and it's perfectly normal. She also said that Jenna was right on my bladder, and then added, "but I probably didn't need to tell you that", and she's right! :)

in other news, yesterday was GORGEOUS, with temperatures in the 60's. It was beautiful. So of course I overdid it, since I had the car after the ultrasound. I mean, I hadn't been out by myself in quite a while, the weather was great, and I had some errands to run that probably should've waited. But I had some stuff waiting for me at the library, and I'm never over in Lacey anymore. Also, I needed to stock up on some food, so I went to the grocery store. But yeah, it was too much. So today I am not doing ANYTHING! :)

I told the Dallas translation company last week that I can't take on any more work from them until the risk of premature labor is over...they just send too much stuff, and I'd be at the computer all day. I may just not contact them until after Jenna's born, IF I'm feeling up to it. I'll have to play that by ear. I need to contact the NY translation company about a kind of maternity leave, also. I haven't gotten anything from them for almost 3 weeks, but apparently that's because their client is just being slow about some jobs that are pending. In any case, I'm not complaining about that at all, b/c the rest has been great and much-needed.

My baby shower is tonight! It's at Braden's parentals' house. I'm a little nervous, just b/c I'm not a huge fan of being the center of attention, but it'll be a lot of fun.

Well, ya'll, today is my last day of being 28. Carolyn and I will once again be the same age for 2 1/2 months. :) Although, she's got a little bit of a head start in the children department...not that there was much I could do about that (I was just waiting for Braden all those years, really)! :)
All of the Ellisi sisters-in-law turn 29 this year. We were thinking of throwing some kind of party or having a girls-night-out for when we all turn 30...we can all commiserate the loss of our youth together! just kidding.


At 3:39 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

gee i can hardly wait for my "youth" to die. :-)
After your baby shower, tell me what else you still need and I'll see what I can mail to you to borrow.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Gina said...

I'm not going to mourn the loss of my youth until the day we break down and buy a minivan. Ugh.

At 10:17 PM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

haha, i was just kidding...i'll always be young at heart anyway! but if getting a minivan is the criteria, my youth is fast fading. then again, i don't have the aversion to minivans that you do, Gina! :)

At 4:42 AM, Blogger Carolyn said...

you're old if you have a minivan?? wow, what is that saying about me since i've had a mini van for years and it's slap full of kids!? :-) Our next van will certainly be one of those 15 seaters. guess that makes me at least 100.


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