Sunday, March 11, 2007

schtuff, O

So I have dropsy. I drop, really, I think that I have a good grip on them, and then they just fall out of my hands. My stomach gets in the way, too. I opened the fridge the other day and hit my stomach, b/c I thought that I'd given it enough room, and I hadn't. I forget things, like putting away food so it doesn't go bad. That's particularly annoying, since I hate wasting. I had this nice chicken avocado sandwich that I was going to eat today...yummy! And then this morning, Braden said "Uh oh" and picked it up from where it had been all night (the shoe rack, of all places). Grr. :)

I've been watching Lost, Season 1, which I believe I had requested from the library back in June or July...a looong time ago. So I've really gotten into it, and plan on getting Season 2 from Blockbuster with my month pass that Braden got me for my birthday. It's like pseudo-suspenseful, and I made the mistake of watching Part 1 of the finale last night at midnight--alone. So I crawled into bed scared and kept grabbing Braden's hands. He laughed this morning when I told him, b/c he doesn't remember any of it; he was out as soon as his head hit the pillow. Anyway, so I am looking forward to Season 2; if any of ya'll have spoilers, don't tell, or death cometh.

Last night was the first time I've had insomnia during the whole pregnancy, I think. I'm hoping that was a one time thing. It was a pretty crappy night; insomnia's no fun...especially when a TV show scared the crap out of you! :)

We forgot about daylight savings...oops.

Happy Birthday, Kevo-bobby!!!

Braden cleared out a good portion of Jenna's room yesterday and did general straightening, etc, of the car and apartment. You can actually walk through most of Jenna's room and sit in the chair and read. Yay!

We also bought our tickets yesterday for the family reunion. Turns out there is a direct flight to Cleve-o. We won't be bringing a carseat, though, so we will need one when we get there.


At 6:28 AM, Blogger dan said...

I wasn't sure if you were making a good one about the actual disease Dropsy or not

Edema (American English), oedema or Ĺ“dema (British English), formerly known as dropsy or hydropsy, is swelling of any organ or tissue due to accumulation of excess lymph fluid, without an increase of the number of cells in the affected tissue. Oedema can accumulate in almost any location in the body, but the most common sites are the feet and ankles.

We gave up Lost as part of our general TV bannination, but we will probably get Season 3 on DVD when it comes out this fall

At 8:13 AM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

well, i do have edema, but the dropsy i was referring to was in a children's book about a girl who had ESP and telekinesis. She made her teacher keep dropping things and called it dropsy. i remember it from that, not that it is actually called that.

At 9:04 AM, Blogger annahannah said...

on a shoe rack...what were you not thinking??

At 11:48 AM, Blogger Carolyn said...

yep, i remember those days...dropping things, hitting my own stomach, and forgetting every single thing. i actually hit the car door on my pregnant stomach once because i didn't allow enough room! pregnant women can be nutty.

At 1:05 PM, Blogger Gina said...

When I was pregnant with Lucy, I stood too close to the stove once when I was cooking and burned my belly (right through my clothes). Talk about stupid.


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