Sunday, May 01, 2005


maybe far away, or maybe real nearby. he may be pouring her coffee...and subsequently making her break the Word of Wisdom. it's BAD, it's BAD.

so my Seinfeld Season 3 DVDs are defective...and these are the ones that are brand spanking new. in contrast to the USED season 1&2 which works perfectly. makeage-o. and since, i got season 3 as a gift, there's not much i can do about it. probs.

so i love when we have parties during work, b/c then i get paid to eat free food and not really do anything. there's a grad assistant/student worker appreciation party this Friday, which i happen to be working that day, otherwise no way would i go, just because of finals and stuff. but for this thing, i'll go for like an hour and then i'll be like, well, folks (pronounced the Dan way), sorry to eat and run, but it's 5pm...


At 10:44 PM, Blogger Braden said...

that's why used always triumphs, because new is dumb!

At 6:10 AM, Blogger dan said...

What's the dan way?

At 9:49 AM, Blogger dieinahugefire said...

the dan way is to pronounce "folks" fully with the "l", instead of "foks" as most people do. i've never heard anyone else pronounce it the dan way. :P

kind of like a dan sip or danduing the milk.

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

haha, too true.


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