hoo-ah! hoo-ah!
So we got Jenna's hospital picture in the mail, finally. It's an 8x12 and very nice, uh.
Jenna is such a cute baby! Although she keeps me up at all hours...
She has this habit of pooping as soon as you take off her diaper to change her, so I'm always waiting for a few minutes after I take it off to make sure there are no surprises. This is a little bit annoying, since, as I have said to her, I wish she would do this "on her own time", but we do have some hopes that she will continue to do this when we try to potty train her... :)
She also has the habit of eating 1 or 2 oz. and then falling asleep before finishing (she seems to have graduated to 3 oz or more) and then waking up and crying (i.e., gee, I'm still hungry) as soon as I lay down to take a nap.
Here are some pictures to alleviate some of the craving for Jenna pics:

This is obviously in the hospital, or I got a new weird bed, one of the two. :) It's one of the few pictures within that timeframe that I like of myself. There's something about just having given birth that doesn't make one particularly photogenic. I'm sure the ladies will agree with me on that! :)
This is the lovely Taggies blanket that Dan & Carolyn got for Jenna as a "birthday" gift. She doesn't really know to do with it yet, but we put it on her a couple of weeks ago, and she reached out and grabbed it in her sleep. WAY cute. I imagine she'll have a lot more fun with it when she gets a little bit older.

This picture is one of my all-time favorites of Jenna, if not my favorite. It's so CUTE! All curled up like that. Look at her little feet, too! The Boppy pillow will be great in the coming months, but I've found it's not as useful for feeding as I thought it would be. But it will be nice for helping Jenna sit up and such things.
Looking good!! I'm glad you both are adjusting to parenthood. And thanks for including a picture of the Taggies blanket. I was wondering what it looked like. And Jenna is super cute! I can hardly wait to see her and hold her in June!
hooray! you posted. now, how about some pictures of after i left?? I know braden takes one every sunday. love you
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