Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Chaser's War On Everything

Just thought I'd share the laughter...I discovered this Australian comedy show a couple of weeks ago, and it's so hilarious. ***WARNING*** There is some bad language in other segments, unfortunately.

Here's a few of our favorites:

Cracked Pepper

Nicorette Ad Road Test

Stocking Head


Things are getting better. The first weeks are really rough, and now it's starting to improve, but if I don't get to bed when Jenna does, or if she wakes up a lot, I'm dead the next day. I still don't get enough sleep, and I guess that's the price you pay for being a mom, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to adjust to getting less sleep.

We can already tell Jenna's a smart kiddo. She's very alert, and she's just starting to become more socially aware. She smiled at me today! (Her first smile at me was on Friday) When she was a new-newborn, she didn't focus on me very much at all, which worried me, but I guess that's normal at that age.

There's this Ben Folds song he wrote for his son that goes, "You're so much like me. I'm sorry." Very apropos! :) No, but Jenna has so much in common with me. She's got my eyebrows (the same color, even!), nose, mouth, eyes (they even change color depending on what she wears, just like mine), long feet, black hair at birth (still waiting to see if it will come in white-blond later like mine). She also has a long torso in proportion to the rest of her body, just like me, which means she'll be in between sizes a lot, b/c she fits into stuff with her upper body, and then she's so long that the legs in a lot of her clothes are too short for her. She's already grown out of a bunch of clothes that fit her even a week ago because of that! :) Thank goodness for layettes (they don't have legs; they're just open at the bottom, which also makes for easy diaper-changing...wonderful during the night, especially!) Anyway, I could go on and on...she's great. Crazy to have a mini-me.

Friday, May 04, 2007

hoo-ah! hoo-ah!

So we got Jenna's hospital picture in the mail, finally. It's an 8x12 and very nice, uh.

Jenna is such a cute baby! Although she keeps me up at all hours...

She has this habit of pooping as soon as you take off her diaper to change her, so I'm always waiting for a few minutes after I take it off to make sure there are no surprises. This is a little bit annoying, since, as I have said to her, I wish she would do this "on her own time", but we do have some hopes that she will continue to do this when we try to potty train her... :)

She also has the habit of eating 1 or 2 oz. and then falling asleep before finishing (she seems to have graduated to 3 oz or more) and then waking up and crying (i.e., gee, I'm still hungry) as soon as I lay down to take a nap.

Here are some pictures to alleviate some of the craving for Jenna pics:

This is obviously in the hospital, or I got a new weird bed, one of the two. :) It's one of the few pictures within that timeframe that I like of myself. There's something about just having given birth that doesn't make one particularly photogenic. I'm sure the ladies will agree with me on that! :)

This is the lovely Taggies blanket that Dan & Carolyn got for Jenna as a "birthday" gift. She doesn't really know to do with it yet, but we put it on her a couple of weeks ago, and she reached out and grabbed it in her sleep. WAY cute. I imagine she'll have a lot more fun with it when she gets a little bit older.

This picture is one of my all-time favorites of Jenna, if not my favorite. It's so CUTE! All curled up like that. Look at her little feet, too! The Boppy pillow will be great in the coming months, but I've found it's not as useful for feeding as I thought it would be. But it will be nice for helping Jenna sit up and such things.