Wednesday, July 27, 2005


i wanted to quickly post something on here: i ran a bunch of errands yesterday and felt like i accomplished a lot, so i'm pretty pleased. i bought a TV, two tables (kind of bedside-ish, but they definitely go in the living room) and a 3 yr old stereo in great working condition for way cheap. i saved $17 by putting the haggling skills i learned in Chinatown, NYC to good use.
i found another Record Exchange near Chapel Hill Mall, which is dangerous, but i had a good time browsing.
i found a Michaels and a Staples, among other stores. I found the perfect wedding cake topper, which totally looks like Braden and I, so i had to get it. i also bought a tiara, but i'm waiting until i try it on with my dress, which by the way, my aunt shipped my cousins' dress, and i love it, so i'm using that, and i shipped back the one i bought yesterday. while at the post office, i did that, and also sent off the marriage license application along with the requisite money order and got some stamps to send out some more invitations. i found the right size envelopes at Staples, so i can put the invitations in those and send them off hopefully tomorrow, since i work all day today.
our tv rocks the hizzouse. it's a 27", less than a year old. i hooked it up to my VCR/DVD player last night, and sat back in awe. i didn't even have to lean forward to read the Spanish subtitles like i did with my roommate's way smaller TV. and speaking of that, i need to get a new prescription for my contacts and glasses. lenscrafters discount, anyone? :)
the only thing with the TV is that it's way heavy, and i put it on one of the tables i got yesterday, which is really not sturdy should hold out a couple more days until we can get something else to go underneath. in the meantime, it's balanced rather precariously. i recruited a guy moving in across the hall to move the TV from my car to the apt, b/c there was no way i could lift was freaking heavy.
and that is good news, that my neighbors across the hall are moving out...the ones that moved liked to party every couple of nights. smoking, drinking, loud music, you name it. you couldn't really hear it from inside my apt, but when you stepped out, WO. nothing like cigarette smoke latching itself onto your clothes and never letting go. mmmmboy.
so when i go home tonight, i think that i will get the rest of the invitations together (at least the ones i have addresses for), get that all set to mail out...and then party hearty. i'll see if my friend Maru wants to do something, if she's off work. i'm not real keen on just hanging out by myself's pretty lonely, and i'm anxious for Braden to come. I came home last night, and Terri had pretty much moved all of her stuff out (except her clothes, which i assume she'll take today), so the apt is looking pretty stark in some areas. she had some furniture with layers in the pantry closet thing, which, when removed, makes it so there's definitely not as much room for food, so i need to get some stuff to replace that so we can maximize our food storage space. Terri's room is totally empty, which makes the fact that i am getting married more real. especially now that it's just over three weeks away. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! i was thinking last night that my husband will be the next person to move in. i've been waiting for so long to not freaking have a roommate will be nice to move on to the next stage of life. imagine...being able to TALK to the person you live with! what a novel concept. :)
Bishop Kerr said that he would do a picture slideshow for free for the reception, so Braden and I need to get together 60 pictures each for that, as well as some music to go along with it (for August 7th). He said they usually run about 12 minutes. I also set up an appointment for a live sealing with him for Sunday, August 7th, since he won't be here next Sunday, and then I still need to call the stake prez about an appointment with him.
oh, and when i type "Kerr", as in his last name, it's just about impossible for me not to automatically add a "y" at the end. just so you know. :)
k, well, this ended up being more than just a quick post, but things kept occurring to me.
that's it for now. peace out!

Monday, July 25, 2005


i'm writing my *true* feelings on this blog, since Wedded Bliss has gone live, and i subsequently feel like i have to be all PC on there, which, if you know me, is an annoyance. The first two posts had some negative stuff in them, which was totally not what we were going for by going live. The actual first post was by "anonymous" and criticized our grammar, punctuation and lack of capitalization, saying that we are educated people and it is distracting to try and read our posts. first of all, i rarely capitalize...does this mean that i don't know how, or that i don't when it is necessary? not at all. however, a blog is a blog is a blog. like i care about that. i've never had anyone complain about not being able to understand my posts b/c of that before. (btw, if anyone does think that, i really don't want to know, and it's not going to make me capitalize. no offense.) i do put periods at the end of sentences, and my grammar and punctuation are correct. i just don't generally capitalize. so sue me. i mean, do they think i use abbreviations in academic papers, like "btw", etc.?? i don't fault anyone for capitalizing if they want to, or refraining from doing so. it is a matter of personal preference. i was just so taken aback that someone would be so petty as to post something like that on our WEDDING BLOG, for pete's sake.
thanks to carolyn for her post. i vented a little to her, and i appreciate her response. the wedding blog is not to's if people want to comment on what's going on, or specific comments about what we've posted, or if they have any other questions. i really didn't ever think we'd need to tell everyone to be nice...although, yes, i realize that going live opens us up to attacks. i just thought that people would want to congratulate, not point out every mistake.
for now, as you probably expected, i am vehemently against ever capitalizing on "wedded bliss"....if only to make whoever that was even more annoyed. :) teehee, teehee, said kerry without thinking.

Monday, July 18, 2005


well, i went to dan and carolyn's blogs to see if they had updated, but no such luck.

i love my family.

Monday, July 11, 2005


dude, i have like 3 blogs now. difficulty of posting on everyone. there's only so much to say when you're at work and school all day.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


yes, peeps, i will still be posting on here...probably not as much until after the wedding, but i'll try to keep it up to date.

we went to the Peytons' for 4th of July and hung out with Rick, Jackie, Jef, Sarah Leigh, Mary, David, Candace, Rebecca, Dale, Joe, their daughter Lauren, Pam, Greg, Patrick, Jessica, Jared, Grandma Smith, Jerry, April, and Katie. I think that's everyone, plus Mom, Dad, Ryan and Kevin. Jackie fractured her knee while she was in Maine for Jef's graduation, so she was still on crutches and will be until the 20th of this month. She was sitting on the cooler and tried to move a little, not realizing it had wheels and ended up on the floor...oops! she was okay, though; she didn't hit her knee.

We played Dance, Dance Revolution on XBox, which is really fun and great exercise. My roommate has it, but I have not really taken advantage of it, since I don't know how the heck to set it up. But I would like to get that...although I don't want Braden to have an XBox unless he can control himself!! ;)