Friday, September 30, 2005


what, my husband posted today and i didn't? i can't have that. :)

we are having a few friends over tonight for some games and possibly a movie. we have plenty of movies to watch, so that should be fun. maybe it can be a LOTR extended edition party!! jk, b/c like we have time for that. besides, we're not starting until 7:30, since i work all day.

yesterday interpreting class seemed to's just that by that point, i am so ready to go to bed. and yet i still don't seem to get to bed before 11:30 or later.

so the freelance thing didn't turn out. i guess the company found someone who willing to do not only the translation, but also the training session (on the drug-free company policy) itself for the spanish employees, and all for so cheap it's freaking ridiculous. apparently this person is a certified translator and screws over everyone else in the profession by taking jobs for 1/10 of the normal price. nice. at the same time, i was a little relieved that it didn't go through b/c i have so much to do anyway, and that would have made for a really stressful weekend. but i do want experience to put on my's just, where is the time??

i sent off the check to the woman who contacted me about selling her dictionaries/books. she said she'll mail it over the weekend. i'm pretty excited about it, b/c it's a law/business dictionary that is very highly recommended by a lot of people and just happens to be out of print. so i am snatching up that baby jonas. i called the lady, who has a rampant pittsburgh accent, which i thought was pretty cool. i just wanted to say rampant. thank you.

so it's gotten freaking COLD over the last couple of days!! i think i'm actually going to put on a sweater when i go home for lunch. fall is upon us!! can't we have a little more of an indian summer, please??

the interpreter comes out on dvd on the 4th...i've pretty much been waiting for 6 months to see it. it probably won't live up to my expectations, but that's ok. i want to see it anyway.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

and the missing hormone is...progesterone?

so one of my classmates was giving a presentation on the male reproductive system and said that the hormone for females is estrogen and "the hormone for males is.......progesterone." and NOBODY said anything!!! even the teacher didn't say, whoa, whoa, what?? another classmate and i looked at each other in amused confusion, but that was about the extent of it. pretty funny.

i got two interesting emails last night, and i'm glad i checked my email right before i went to bed, b/c maybe i got a leg up on things. anyway, the one is from my old roommate, who sent out an email to about 6 of us, saying that she got a translation job, but needs help b/c it's due Oct 3rd. so i said, count me in! apparently it's a company's policy on a drug-free workplace from English into Spanish. it's something i can put on my resume as freelance work, at the very least. so hooray!
the other email was from someone at U of Pitt who is selling off her spanish books and dictionaries. i did some research to see which ones i wanted to buy, and one is recommended by my prof and also happens to be out of print. so i emailed her back and told her i wanted to buy it. however, before i send money, i think i'll ask for a phone # or something to make sure i don't get gypped.

we saw flightplan on saturday night and decided to only see movies in the theatre that are to die for, not just oh, this looks good. b/c, dude. $16.50...we could just go to record exchange and get 2 or 3 used dvds for that price!! anyway, i gave the movie a c+ or b-, but braden liked it a lot better. it was ok/good, but there were some things that got on my nerves. i thought some scenes/ideas were drawn out for too long. plus peter sarsgaard is annoying. he looks like he's going to fall asleep in every scene he's in.
rock the world.

Friday, September 23, 2005


You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.
You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

so i got the same as ryan. i'm surprised by the results, considering you are only given two choices and at least a couple of times i didn't agree with either choice. for example, "when you pick a new car, you pick something a)powerful or b)cute. i was like, neither...i usually go by somewhat of a coolness factor combined with economical concerns, ie will it get me where i want to go and last a freaking long time, etc. i'll take a honda anyday.

i wanted to watch an ER, but we had no time. ah well, probably tonight. i'd like to go see a movie or something....or just get out of the house. seems like i'm inside all the time. i'm talking about a drive-in movie, not inside, in case you were like, wait, but a movie is still inside.

so i guess medline is showing a live c-section on the internet today at noon: go to the middle of the page here. part of me wants to see it just to see if i can handle watching actual surgery, but i think i'd rather not see what i could possibly have done in the future (you never know). i'll probably forget anyway, and that's during my lunch hour. but i am curious about surgery in general.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

tee hee, tee hee, said kerry without thinking

so our teakettle is the rockingest cool thing ever! it gets the water so hot that i have to wait an hour and a half to drink my cocoa. wow.

this is only going to be a quick post b/c i have a lot of homework that i want to try and tackle today. did i mention that i don't like thursdays very much? they're soooooooo loooooooooong!!

so i have a mini-presentation today in healthcare interpreting class. we're in groups of 3, and we each took a system of the body and each have about 2 minutes to explain it to the class. we got the skin & sense organs, and the muscular system whatever. we were just glad we didn't get the reproductive system. the person that got the male reproductive system is someone that....shall we say...likes that subject, so that should be pretty entertaining.

in other news, braden is not feeling well again...some sort of stomach bug, headache thing. lately it seems like if we're not both sick, one of us is. i'm still recovering from my bad cold that i've had since we got married, but it's mostly gone now.

no news on the job front. braden's going to start looking for some temp soon as he is feeling better. i hope that works out soon.

two of my friends/classmates want to make a regular thing of getting together and cooking new meals. they wanted to know if braden and i want to do it with them, to which i replied, heck yes! so we're going to try it out on saturdays. not every saturday, i don't think, but we'll see how our schedule is. the two days that are worst for them are the best for my schedule, so saturdays are the only other day. sounds like fun!

we watched ER, season 1, episode 7 last night. good stuff. we're still into stuff that i remember watching, probably with mom. this was back in the day, like '94, i think. i'm excited to see episodes that i haven't seen at all.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

food poisoning! cold food poisoning heah!!

in case you were wondering, that's said by a random employee at a baseball game.

so i went out to lunch on friday to see one of my old co-workers (there were 8 of us total that week) and ended up with a bad case of food poisoning. well, honestly, it could have been a lot worse. i mean, i did only throw up the entire contents of my stomach once, and then i was just not feeling well. i could've thrown up every time i tried to eat something after that, but i didn't. so i'm grateful for that. the food was a buffet, and i ate broccoli & cheese, pineapple-glazed pork, salmon, tried a piece of clam fettucini alfredo (wasn't a fan), and a couple of red potato slices, plus bread and salad. so i was pretty full. my guess is that it was the salmon...freakin' seafood!!! i have to admit, now i'm not only wary of all seafood (salmon and codfish were the only things i "used to" eat from that category), but buffet-style food as well! Throwing up SUCKS!!! and i never throw up. i seriously can't even think back to the last time i threw up before last friday. i suppose that i'll get over the buffet wariness, even though buffets really aren't that cost-effective for someone like me, but i think i'll pretty much stay away from seafood from now on. i've never liked the majority of it anyway. i still don't know if anyone else got sick, but i've been asking around.

we've been renting ER Season 1, and it's been really fun to watch it together. it's like Alias and 24 for dan and carolyn. but with ER, we pause while braden explains medical terminology for me. it's awesome; i love learning it, and it's a double benefit, b/c i would like to have medical translation as one of my specializations.
we also rented the simpsons road rage for gamecube; it's pretty fun, but there's a couple of words that i wish homer wouldn't say. overall, pretty entertaining, though. it's evil, though! you can totally run over little kids, and kick old ladies! but you don't kill them though; you run them over, and you'll hear various things like: "this is the worst town in america" and "how'd you like a newspaper upside your head!!?" Yeah, that's what i'd say after being run over by a mack truck!!! lol.

one more story i want to tell. we took back seat cushions for our kitchen table chairs (to WalMart) b/c they were too small. so braden gets to the front of the line at customer service, and says to the guy (early 20's, probably), "i'd like to return butt's too big for them."...and the guy doesn't even flinch, just goes right into, "ok, and...blah, blah..." (i had told braden to say it, but didn't think he really would). so in the meantime, i had to leave, b/c i was laughing so hard. see, braden can keep a straight face if i do, but if i start laughing, it's contagious. anyway, this was a couple of weeks ago, but i wanted to write it down for posterity. :) aren't you glad?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


so a couple of days ago, braden was on the phone with his dad, and so i gave in and fell asleep waiting for him. so when he came to bed, i was totally out of it, but still wanted to pray and read scriptures. so he read, and i don't remember anything. and then apparently it was my turn to pray, and so i tried, but i was so tired that i wasn't really speaking up or making sense. so then i all of a sudden woke up, and it seemed like hours since i had been praying, but then in my haze i couldn't remember ending the prayer, so i asked braden, "did i say amen?", and he said that i was in the middle of saying something and then i just stopped. i guess it had only been like 30 seconds b/t stopping and waking up again. he said he was like, "...?" waiting for me to go on. so then we both started totally laughing. that was pretty funny. i've fallen asleep praying before, but never out loud with someone else there. lol.

we were invited to dinner at a couple in the ward's house on Sunday night. it was really good food, but there was soooo much of it that i was glad that i was good and hungry. it still was a lot even if you'd been fasting all day. so we were pretty stuffed when we left. the bishop and his wife were there as well. the ward we're in right now is really friendly, and i like it a lot so far.

in related news, braden and i have callings!! i've been called to the nursery, which i asked for, and braden was called to the primary to teach the 7 yr olds, which he did not ask for. :)
the lady in the nursery right now is older, and sounded disappointed when she was told that i wouldn't be replacing her. but i need to learn from her, so maybe in january they'll release here and just have me in there, since there will be only 1 or 2 kids in there at the end of January. The primary requested Braden for the CTRs, b/c i guess there's 4 boys in there that can get pretty rowdy. i'm sure braden can handle it.

well, my classes are keeping me plenty busy...lots of homework and the like. my commercial/legal translation class is coming with quite a bit of homework....the prof gave us more homework due in a week than he gave us when we had a 2 wk break b/c of labor day! but it is good practice, and we will learn a lot. :)

that's all for now, follllllllks!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

weird dreams

so braden's been having some weird dreams lately. a couple of nights ago was a really funny one that i wanted to share, just b/c it's so..........dan. or what dan would probably like to do, but wouldn't b/c of social constraints.
anyway, apparently we were all at a stake conference singing Called to Serve, but the chorister kept changing the tempo, so the congregation was all confused. So right in the middle of it, dan yells, "GUNGA GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" (except he(dan) pronounced it "GOONGA GAA" instead of the regliar way). I guess after that the stake conference kind of can you restore order after someone yells "gunga gaa"?? :)

i need to go look up some stuff for my case study....IT GOT APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so stoked!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


so the surprise was the "Star Wars Concert" by the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra at Blossom Music Center, and it was rockin'. we had a really good time. Anthony Daniels, aka C3PO, narrated, and beat a dead dog to death by throwing in compliments to C3PO all the doo-lah-day. But other than that, he does have a good narrating voice and did well. He doesn't really sound like C3PO, which i thought he would more, but i guess with a mask on and a sing-song voice you sound a little different. we saw some people walking around in full rebel fighter or anakin gear. cool stuff. good thing braden brought blankets and coats, b/c i was freez-o-bobby.
they played "the stars and stripes forever" at the end, unfurled an american flag and set off a bunch of fireworks, which was cool. actually, they had the fireworks going for a long time while everyone was waiting for the tram to take us back to the parking lots.

the bbq was good, and we got some presents from my classmates, which i totally wasn't expecting. they pooled money together and got us a down feathertop thing for the mattress, another throw (can't have too many of those) and a little stress squishball, b/c they figured i'd need it this year (probably true). i met some new peeps, but mostly right before i left. i seem to have an easier time introducing myself when i can say, oh and by the way, i'm leaving right now, see ya. :) so...i should have been more social, but i did meet some people. and i figure i'll do more meeting in the lab as i see new faces. i wish it were easier for me to just go up and start a conversation with someone i don't know.
it seems like there's a lot more native spanish speakers this year, which is cool. i'm looking forward to getting to know them.

i'm going to just pick out some excerpts for my advisor for the case study, and send him what i have so far. i didn't get the whole book read yet, but i need to know soon if he will approve it, b/c i don't want to waste time and b/c we need to pick a medical topic for my healthcare interpreting class (in order to do an assigned glossary) and i figure i can just do the same topic as my case study. however, if it's not approved, then i want to pick another topic, and we need to pick it by the third week in September.

had a cookout with the parentals yesterday. good food! we couldn't stay too long, but we had fun. don't know when we'll get up there next, due to school and work commitments, but we hope to visit from time to time.

well, that's enough for now.
peace out!

Friday, September 02, 2005


tomorrow is the welcome back BBQ for school, and it's also for new students in the program. it's going to be at my classmate's house, which is pretty big and has a pool and everything, so i hope it's good weather. i'm bringing braden to meet everyone, since i pretty much go everywhere with him, unless it's to work or school. i told the student organization that i would bring pop, so we need to get some.

we were thinking about going to see The Brothers Grimm tonight at the drive-in, but on second thought, i told braden i should probably get a good start on my homework for next week, plus we have our date night tomorrow night for this week. braden has a surprise for me! :)

Thursday, September 01, 2005

hey all

i have a minute here b/t students (there's a lull for now) so i thought i'd write a little. i have had 2 of my 3 classes so far, with the 3rd one tonight at 7:15pm. essentially it makes for a really long thursday, since i work all day thursday and don't get out from my class until 9:45pm. oh well...i would rather have it like this than have to work all day on monday or wednesday and leave early to go to class at 4:30 to 7pm. that would mean that i'd have to only have a 1/2 hr for lunch that day and i wouldn't be able to spend it with braden. braden turned in a work application for Robinson Memorial Hospital today. they told him a few days ago on the phone that there were several positions available, including evening hours, which would mean that he'd be working while i'm at school, which would be nice. we wouldn't eat dinner together much, but we would have lunch together. all i know is that he was going to turn the application in....don't know specifics yet. i'm waiting with baited breath!!

braden and i have been plenty busy just with trying to get the apartment all set up. there's still a ton to do, but i feel like we're getting somewhere. i finally put all my clothes away (we had to wait b/c maintenance waited until we were back from vacation to finally mess around with our air conditioner, etc, instead of doing it when we weren't there like we asked them to). so, since it's located in the closet, we couldn't put anything on the left-hand side. so yesterday i got sick of clothes on the floor and did mass cleaning, staying up way past my bedtime...but i sure felt better.

now we have to tackle the office and the kitchen, mainly. the office has been the room we've just kind of shoved stuff when there was nowhere else to put it, and the kitchen is haphazard, due to my living with a roommate, and we just put stuff wherever. i'll feel better when there's a place for everything, and especially when we get more counter space.

my classes seem really interesting so far. the Legal Translation one is going to be tough, but way interesting. I hope we don't do sight translation all class period EVERY class period, though, b/c that got old after 5 minutes. sight translation is where you're handed a document that you've never seen before and told to translate it out loud on the spot. and yes, they're full of terms that you've probably not heard of in your native language, let alone Spanish. so i gave it my best shot (we took turns), but essentially it means that i try to figure out which passage he'll call on me to translate and frantically try to translate it before he calls on me. this means that i miss out on some of the discussion b/c i'm working on that, so it's less effective, but i really hate being put on the spot like that. you might say, well why are you interested in interpreting....well, there is a difference, and also, you don't have a roomful of your colleagues staring at you while you do it. :)
anyway, long story short, i hope we do other things in that class. the prof seems way cool (i bought two business dictionaries/glossaries off of him for $15 total), and i remembered him from a seminar he taught at the ATA (American Translators Association) conference in Toronto last year. so i'm pleased that he'll be teaching us, b/c he has a lot of practical experience to share with us.
the software localization class looks fun, and it's the class i've been looking forward to most in the whole program. i want to learn about multimedia and website localization and how i can combine my graphic design/multimedia skills with localization and translation. i hope the class lives up to my expectations.
i didn't get much work done on my case study this summer...not like i wanted to. last semester i said that i wanted to get the majority of it done this summer, but that didn't happen...but, really, folks, i think i had a good excuse!! :) hopefully my advisor will approve the fibromyalgia book i want to do, b/c if not, i'm really going to be upset, since i'm pretty much banking on it, and i'll be out $42.
we lost all of our thank you notes in the flood, so we need to go buy new ones and get started on that. we will get those out as soon as we can. i also need to do a bunch of name change stuff, including here at KSU. we need to get an official copy of our marriage license for some of it.
bye for now!