Tuesday, February 27, 2007

a little good news

So here's some good news: I finally found the Anne Murray Sesame Street album on CD!!! YAY!!! It's called "There's a Hippo In My Tub", and I got it from an Amazon seller. It actually doesn't mention Sesame Street, and it's a new compilation from 2001 that has 3 "new" songs on it. You know when you have a really strong childhood memory that you just love, and it makes you feel all warm and cuddly inside? Like "Scuppers the Sailor Dog" for Dad G. Anyway, i LOVE this album and remember listening to it not only as a young child, but occasionally throughout my middle and high school years. I've been wanting to get it for Jenna, so I can play it for her, and she can love it as much as I do! And if she doesn't, I'm shoving it down her ears...just kidding. :) No, it's a wonderful kids album, and Anne Murray's great. I just got it in the mail today, and I told Braden that I hope he likes it, since he's going to hear it a LOT. :)

"Watch them catch their UNDERWEAR!!"

"Why won't you answer my questions??? 'Cause I don't know the answers!! Good night, good night."

"Two and two are four, four and four are eight..." As a young child, I always thought they were saying, "Do unto others, more and forever..." LOL. For YEARS I thought that. ahh...misheard lyrics.

Now I just have to get Anne Murray's old school album on CD with the songs, "Easy Love", "Wintry Feeling", "You'll Never Be A Stranger At My Door", etc. Mom, you have it on a tape somewhere. That's another great childhood memory. I'm also looking for, "Be patient, be patient; don't be in such a hurry" and the Sesame Street one with numbers: "Well, the alligator king said to his seven sons, I'm feeling pretty down.." It had a bunch of different numbers songs on it. Great stuff.

contractions feel quite lovely

this is a pretty detailed post about my medical travails that is basically intended as a sort of journal for me to remember what went on today, as well as to inform those who want to know what's going on with the pregnancy. if you don't wanna know...don't read it!!! :)

so some of ya'll have heard about the craziness inherent this past day. we went to labor & delivery at about midnight and stayed till 3am, because of some sharp pains i had, general (very much) increased abdominal sensitivity, and the fact that Jenna was seemingly not moving much, which worried me. got conflicting reports from nurse and doctor; the nurse seemed to think it was a UTI (b/c of bacteria they found), and the doctor latched onto a miscommunication that i was dehydrated (which i sincerely doubt, b/c i've been better about drinking the past few days at least), and, let's just say, other indications, as well as possible ligament stretching. the miscommunication was that the doctor asked me how many CUPS i'd had of fluid, and when i answered, i was thinking FREAKING BIG GLASSES in my head, although apparently i said "cups". the mistake was pointed out later when we were on our way home. anyway, the doctor didn't seem to think it was a UTI. i'm supposed to get a call tomorrow about the urinalysis, and whether i do have a UTI, in which case they'll get me started on some antibiotics.

so we got to bed about 3:45am, and then i woke up a little after 6am with pretty severe cramping and pain. no position seemed to lessen the pain, and it even increased sometimes. pretty much i was having regular contractions, 5 minutes apart. last night, the nurse gave us the impression that i was pretty effaced, and then when we went in this morning, the new doctor said that last night the nurse put 25%, and he was guesstimating 40-50% effaced...and yet, they said i wasn't in labor b/c the contractions weren't doing anything, i.e. causing dilation. whatever. anyway, of course, when we got to the hospital, the contractions had stopped. i did not have a single one while i was there, which was another 3 hours or so. it bites, b/c last night on their monitor, i was having some mild contractions, but the ones i had this morning were significantly more painful, and i really would have liked to see what they were registering on the monitor. anyway, this morning, the diagnosis was, "we don't know why you're having contractions. go home, rest, drink lots, eat and come in again if x, y and z happen". boo. i suppose every couple goes through the "go home, ya freaks, you're not in labor!" but i AM very glad that i'm not in labor; it's not time yet! Jenna is doing great; the nurses and doctors all commented how wonderfully healthy she looks (on the monitor), with one nurse even saying that she is "perfect". so that's great news.

anyway, i'm still having the constant dullish pain in my abdomen, which increases to very sharp pains when Jenna moves or when i shift position at ALL. so that is a little worrisome to me, b/c no one can give me an answer as to what that is, but it is definitely a new thing for me, and i don't know what it means. it's not contractions, though. and when i asked if what i was having before were actual labor contractions or braxton hicks, they said "contractions are contractions". so they don't distinguish b/t the two. i'm pretty sure that the dull cramping i was having since last wednesday were braxton hicks, and if what i had today and yesterday are also BH, then they are certainly manifesting themselves differently.

oh, and the doctor today mentioned that one thing that worries him is that i'm measuring small (when they measure my uterus), and i actually have been for at least a few weeks. he said that he would recommend an ultrasound to my doctor, who i am seeing Friday. so that's a concern; mom seems to be concerned about it, too, so i hope everything's okay. that could mean that the placenta is not functioning properly, or that maybe the baby is small or not getting enough nutrients...i hope they do an ultrasound to see, and i will discuss that with my doctor on Friday. and i know i've been measuring small for a little bit, so i wonder why my regular doctor didn't mention that or seem to be concerned. i wasn't concerned before this morning because i had heard that the measurement wasn't really that accurate anyway. dunno.

so that's the lowdown. for those of you who made it this far and maintained interest...my guess is that you've probably been prego yourself! ok, probably not everyone. :)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

ya'll want this party started QUICKLY, right?

Well, we are now done with the childbirth classes and newborn care/CPR class. All that remains in terms of classes is the breastfeeding class in a few weeks.

on a side note, I hate transcription. I will occupied with it probably all of tomorrow, and then I hope to never do any again, or I shall have no hair left, for it will all be torn out.

I received an email last week from a translation company (I really think it's just one guy passing himself off as a "company"...) wanting to know if I could translate 799 pages of sci/tech PDF documents in 8 days. Sure, I'll just run it through a machine translator...oh, wait, I can't, because the original files are PDFs. Shoot. Had to turn that one down. And I didn't even mention that it was for slave's wages. Braden and I figured out that it would be working for less than minimum wage. I do hate to turn down work, especially since any work at this point is experience, and it's good to have stuff to add to your resume, but GEEZ. Did I get a Masters degree just to turn around and prostitute myself???

We had a very busy week last week, and even today was pretty eventful. Tomorrow, as I mentioned already, I'll be occupied trying to "proofhear" my transcription, which will take a long while...and THEN, I hope I don't get anything for a few days. I'm just worn out, and I need to rest. I think my body is clamoring at me to get a lot of rest right now, and I need to listen to it!

My hub is the bomb-diggity, yo.

Monday, February 19, 2007

one and a half

Happy 1 1/2 year anniversary!!! Wow, can't believe it's been that long already, and here we have a -6.5 week daughter, too.

Our last childbirth class is on Thursday, and then we have a Newborn Care/CPR class on the 25th. The breastfeeding class isn't till March 15 or so, and trust me, that was the only time that worked... Things are winding down. The stuff that seemed like forever away is now very close.

I started packing my labor bag on Saturday; I need to go through and see what I still need.

Braden got me a freaking huge monitor for an anniversary/birthday/Christmas present. I'm not worthy of such coolness. Now I can actually have two documents side by side to compare Spanish to English! That will be very helpful for freelance jobs.

I feel bad for those peeps out East that are getting large amounts of snow...I don't miss that at all! But it is raining out here, which isn't my favorite kind of weather either.

Braden's granna had a stroke a week ago last Thursday...please keep her in your prayers. She's hanging in there so far. I don't think her number's up yet.

I am needing more and more sleep. Good night everybody! (You forgot Uranus)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

the long anticipated prego pics - 31 1/2 weeks

ok, these pics were taken a week ago yesterday after a very long day, so if i look tired, that's why. :)

31 1/2 weeks along: