Tuesday, August 30, 2005

new post....finally

i know you all have missed me so....haven't posted in over two weeks. gee, i wonder why? :)
braden and i are settling into married life, and yes, there are many adjustments having to be made. we're still buying stuff we need using the gift money we received from both the reception and open house.
i am in the process of changing my name to Snowstar Bear. no, but i still need to visit/call some places to get the ball rolling, like the BMV, Social Security peeps, school, etc.
i found out just now that for some reason i can't get into my school email, which is annoying b/c i haven't been able to check it since last week b/c we moved the computer and haven't set it back up yet. so that meant that i took a risk yesterday by not coming in to work and hoping that i didn't have to work since i wasn't able to get the new schedule by email. so luckily when i called my boss he said that i don't work on mondays. PHEW! i just really didn't want to get up early early if i didn't have to.

Monday, August 15, 2005

tickets, please........tickets!!!

so this is probably my last day in Kent until Friday the 26th, considering that i'm only working today, and then we go back up to cleveland tonight. i get my hair done tonight, and then tomorrow we have to get cracking on the wedding favors.

we leave on Thursday morning for Baltimore...

the in-laws are coming to check out the apartment later on today; good thing we gave it a thorough cleaning on Wednesday! :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

pics from dad

i just got these pics from dad via gmail. i had to laugh out loud at the one with dan and i. i so remember those clothes. i really don't have a lot of pictures of me from ages 12-23, and especially 12-18, so this is a good one. i pretty much know that it's a pic from when i was in 7th grade, so it's gotta be Christmas '90 at the farm.

in other news, i finished my frontpage online workshop and sent in my website this morning. i sent the email to the prof at around 8:55am and she sent me her reply at 9:06am, so i guess that means either she doesn't care, or i don't. jk. no, i was just surprised at how little time she spent actually looking at it, although i guess she had already looked at it last week, and i hadn't added all that much, since most of this week's assignments were optional.

so dan's recents posts regarding bicycling have gotten me back in the mood to bike. i had wanted to bike my butt off this summer, but it just didn't work out with all the wedding planning and other stuff to do. i was looking at bike racks at walmart, but they were much more than i had planned on spending for one. i can't remember if dad got a bike for braden or not; if not, we need to get him one. i still have mine from back in '96, when we found it at a garage sale for $10 in Utah right before i started going to BYU. it has served me well since then, although i haven't used it much in the past few years. i want to remedy that. i would really like to explore the surrounding areas of Kent and beyond....Portage and Summit County, specifically. by car, too. we found a bike trail not too far from our apartment when we were coming back from Columbus a couple of weeks ago. it's always good to have someone else in the car with you when you try to go exploring; otherwise, it's hard to drive and see everything you're passing by...unless you like to crash your car, which i don't. i just like to hit large pig-like animals on country roads. it wasn't my fault...he ran out in front of me, and i couldn't stop! (that's another story from a few weeks ago)

braden bought another shelving unit, and our books (mostly mine, at this point) are up, although they still need a bit of organization. he also got copies of our keys and put on a new set of hubcaps on the car. the car has been missing a hubcap on the front left tire since around november 2003, when it all of a sudden came off with a loud bang! when i was driving back to Cleveland from my night class at Kent. it looks great!

i was looking for some necklaces and gloves online. the problem with online shopping is that you can't freaking try it on and kind of just have to hope that it is what you had in mind. so that's a little scary, but i'm for sure not finding anything in the stores around here. so that needs to be taken care of soon.

you all will probably notice a lack of postage in the next few days, probably until Monday, as we are going back to Cleveland tonight, and i really can't be bothered to post unless i'm supposed to be doing something else, whatever it might be. lol. but, i will try to keep you all up to date.


hi all

i'm just busy looking up some beauty salons in both Rockville and Kensington, MD for the morning of the wedding. i've found quite a bit, actually; i just need to figure out which location is best and who's not going to charge me an arm and a leg. candace, dave's wife, totally helped me out, which i appreciate very much. she's so nice and went out of her way to help.

more later.

Monday, August 08, 2005

it's the hard knock life for us, it's the....

sorry...i have annie songs in my head, b/c i was just talking about it on university bus.
i'm at work right now, but i wanted to post something new for the masses. things are going well. it's hard to believe that i'm getting married next week. still haven't heard anything about the marriage license, so i'm wondering if i should call. i would need to find the phone number first, though. but the temple said that they would call us when they got it... i think i'll wait a couple more days and see. hopefully, it will go through on time and everything, considering that we can't have the ceremony until the temple gets the piece of paper. :) i guess i don't know how long the process takes.
with carolyn getting new glasses, i've been thinking about how i need new ones, as well. my eyes get worse every year, so it's rather depressing to go to the eye doctor and get a new prescription. i think it's been at least a couple of years since i've been, so i really do need to go. believe it or not, i still have contacts (unopened) from when i was getting ready to go on my mission. i've been interspersing those with some from a couple of years ago, but, really, i do need new contacts. to heck with this 2 week crap; i wear them until they hurt, which can be 6 months. i'm careful about it, though, and i'm more anal about cleanliness when putting them in then anyone i know. :)
i'm pretty tired today, due to lack of sleep. funny how that works. i would really like to take a nap, but i have to work all day. i'm taking off wednesday of next week, which means i have to make those hours up later on. don't know when i'll do that...once school starts, things will be nuts.

all righty, that's all i can think of for now.

Monday, August 01, 2005


remember that beautiful, perfect wedding cake topper? well, i was putting it back into the plastic casing, and it slipped and hit the edge of the desk, taking Braden's head completely off.

IS THIS AN OMEN???? jk. lol. actually, i was dismayed at first, but then i thought it was pretty funny. i mean, what a hunk of junk!! come on, super glue!!

more postage

so braden is here. i never need to post again.

just kidding. well, after a false alarm, as in braden coming 2/3 of a day later than he was supposed to, through no fault of his own....he finally made it to ohio, and there was meltage. i'm so glad he's here!!!

i am busily working on my website for my last workshop, which is using Microsoft FrontPage. I will admit that FrontPage is not quite as crappy as I thought before beginning it this morning, but I still think it way below the standard of Macromedia Dreamweaver, and I have no intention of using it ever after this workshop is over. I'm hoping to get a lot of it done while i'm at work and there are no students to be seen, which means that i can go up to Cleveland on Wednesday night or at least Thursday.

I had wanted to go to Prosperity, PA to visit Grandma Miller and see if my dad could come up from VA to meet Braden, but i don't know if that is going to happen, just b/c our schedules are both pretty hectic, and the time before the wedding is short. less than 3 weeks now...hard to believe. :)

i've decided i'm wearing my tennis shoes with my dress...for several reasons: i've been having shin problems for a few months now (recurring), and these are shoes with orthopedics in them for support, i want to be comfortable, i hate heels, and i can't find anything i like in the shoe stores that i've shopped at. THEREFORE, tennis shoes it shall be.

i shall write more later. :)