Thursday, March 30, 2006

case study

so i was just reading ryan's blog, where he is talking about having to use the passive voice in technical language, and it quite made me laugh out loud. see, i've been doing almost nothing but my case study, which is so full of bull. here's an example of the drivel i have to write:
"While researching “Seiscientos”, the translator found references to the term as "600". To make sure that the English-speaking reader is aware that a “600” is a car, the translator explicitated in paragraph (#) (Delisle 139): [...]"

puhleeeze. i can't say, "i did this or that"; i have to say "the translator found it necessary to blah blah blah...and oh, btw, blah."

in other news, very sad to hear about sister z. (from church) passing away. my thoughts and prayers are with her family. apparently she was killed in a car accident on tuesday. the news came as quite a shock to me...really makes you think about how fragile life is and how we shouldn't take even a moment of it for granted. i love my family very much.

Monday, March 20, 2006

happy bday!

And a big shout out for one of my favorite nephews, SCOTT!! Happy Birthday, Scott! so it's the big number 4. wow. that means that my four year anniversary of coming home from the mish is here in a few months. crazy.

we went up to cleveland yesterday for a few hours, to say hello to ryan, who's home on spring break (ours is next week) and also visit with the family. this meant that all of us were either reading or playing computer games on our laptops. ahhh, reminds me of the good old days! (that's not a dis; we enjoyed ourselves very much).

i currently have like 25 books out of the school library, with many more requested from other libraries, and they should be coming in soon. i need to start writing my analysis soon and will start that over break. i'm hoping to get a LOT done over break, since i have that week off of work also. i was telling braden that it will be the last real paper that i write, EVER. i've had it with college's all a bunch of BS!! i mean, what percent of the college population actually cares what they write about?? well, i guess i just have major senioritis, and i want to graduate and move on with my life. i've spent too much time in school, and it's time to go on to the next phase of my life.

k, well, i need to do some term research....later!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


hey everyone,
sorry i've been rather lax about posting lately. i imagine that things are just going to get busier until i graduate, though. deadlines for the case study are coming and going, and i feel like, yes, i'm making some progress, but i'm still behind where i should be. thus, i am trying to catch up.

congrats, dan and carolyn! i just heard the good news last night.

i had a great surprise birthday party on the 8th, thrown by braden and also planned by my friends andie and anna. it was way cool, and i was totally surprised. a bunch of my classmates, co-workers and friends came, plus mom, dad g. and kevin were there.

i was going to try and work over spring break, but apparently none of the grad assistants work that in a way, that's a good thing, b/c i will work almost exclusively on my case study, and i do need that time to do it.

graduation is really close--May 13th, I believe (a Saturday). i need to get on the ball about applying for jobs and such.

braden and i borrowed an old-school nintendo from a friend a few weeks ago and have been playing dr. mario on and off. that game is so much fun, and so addictive. one night we played it for 3 1/2 hrs straight! but i haven't been playing that much lately, b/c of homework. (yes, yes, i know...i shouldn't play it, but it's nice to take a break once in a while)

we went up to N. Olmsted to celebrate kev's 18th b-day. with cheesecake of course, so dan, i know you are sad you missed it. :)

that's all she wrote for now.