case study
so i was just reading ryan's blog, where he is talking about having to use the passive voice in technical language, and it quite made me laugh out loud. see, i've been doing almost nothing but my case study, which is so full of bull. here's an example of the drivel i have to write:
"While researching “Seiscientos”, the translator found references to the term as "600". To make sure that the English-speaking reader is aware that a “600” is a car, the translator explicitated in paragraph (#) (Delisle 139): [...]"
puhleeeze. i can't say, "i did this or that"; i have to say "the translator found it necessary to blah blah blah...and oh, btw, blah."
in other news, very sad to hear about sister z. (from church) passing away. my thoughts and prayers are with her family. apparently she was killed in a car accident on tuesday. the news came as quite a shock to me...really makes you think about how fragile life is and how we shouldn't take even a moment of it for granted. i love my family very much.